WDM - Optical Devices - Products - Shanghai Honghui optical Polytron Technologies Inc
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  • Product model:SUN-CWDM/SUN-FWDM/SUN-PWDM
  • Product Features:low insertion loss, high wavelength bandwidth isolation, low polarization dependent loss, good environmental stability
  • Applications:CWDM is used in broadband wavelength division multiplexing system, metropolitan area network optical fiber, VATV system. FWDM/PWDM is used in WDM system, VATV system, and laser packaging.
  • Technical Requirements:

Product Introduction

CWDM can effectively save up the resource of fiber and cost of network technology, which deal with the shortage of optical fiber and transparent transmission of business. With low-cost, low power consumption and small compact, it is widely used in metro aggregation and access layer to do transmission on a short time.

FWDM-T1550R1310/1490 and PWDM-T1550r1310/1490 are used in optical model package, which can make 1550, 1490/1310, 2 wavelength optical signal, both Wavelength Division Multiplexer, make single fiber transmission capacity, also make the single fiber transmission in two direction, widely used in fiber-optic network upgrade. Expansion or introduction of a comprehensive new business (radio, television, telecommunications, internet triple play PON+ EOC) and so on.